The adjective can be variable or invariable.
2. Invariable adjectives.
Invariable adjectives are limited in number and they are:
1. Some color adjectives, which were originally nouns:
Blu (blue), rosa (pink), indaco (indigo), viola (violet), amaranto (amaranth), arancio (orange), lilla (lilac), etc.
- Pantaloni rosa (pink trousers).
- Guanti blu (blue gloves).
- Cielo viola (purple sky).
Variable color adjectives become invariable if paired with another adjective or noun:
Grigio perla (pearl grey), rosso ciliegia (cherry red), rosso scarlatto (scarlet red), verde pisello (pea green), verde bottiglia (green bottle), azzurro pallido (pale blue), giallo limone (lemon yellow).
- Una giacca bianco ghiaccio (an ice white jacket).
- Una gonna rosso scuro (a dark red skirt).
- Una cravatta verde pisello (a pea green tie).
2. Some adjectives formed from preposition + adverb:
Perbene (good), dabbene (good), dappoco (little), ammodo (nice), etc.
- Una persona perbene (a decent person).
- Un uomo dappoco (a small man).
3. Some adjectives formed by: anti + noun:
Antiruggine (Anti-rust), antirughe (anti-wrinkle), antinebbia (anti-fog), antimafia (anti-mafia), antieroe (anti-hero), anticarro (anti-tank), atc:
- Fari antinebbia (anti-fog headlights).
- Commissione antimafia (anti-mafia commission).
4. The adjective pari (equal) and its derivative forms impari (unequal) and dispari (odd):
- Una lotta impari (an unequal fight).
- Un numero dispari (an odd number).
- Non c’è la pari opportunità (There is no equal opportunity).
5. Adjectives of foreign origin: beat, jazz, snob, chic, bordeaux, etc.
- La musica jazz (Jazz music).
- Una donna chic (a chic woman).
- Un signore snob (a snobbish gentleman).
6. The adjective arrosto:
- Pollo arrosto, pesce arrosto, patate arrosto.
- Roast chicken, roast fish, roast potatoes.