Most adjectives are derived from nouns or verbs by adding suffixes.
1. The most common suffixes that are added to verbs to form adjectives are:
– abile (1 conjugation)
- Amare –> amabile.
- To love –> lovable.
- Mangiare –> mangiabile.
- To eat –> eatable.
- Cantare –> cantabile, ecc.
- To sing –> cantabile, etc.
– ibile (2 and 3 conjugation)
- Prevedere –> prevedibile.
- To predict –> predictable.
- Aprire –> apribile, ecc.
- To open –> openable, etc.
The suffixes -abile and -ibile give the idea of possibility, and opportunity:
- Mangiabile eatable = that can be eaten.
- Apribile openable = that can be opened.
– evole
- Maneggiare –> maneggevole.
- To manage –> manageable.
- Mutare –> mutevole, ecc.
- To change –> changeable, etc.
2. The most common suffixes that are added to nouns (or alter the ending) to form adjectives are:
– oso
- Fumo –> fumoso.
- Smoke –> smoky.
- Pelo –> peloso.
- Fur –> furry.
- Studio –> studioso.
- Study –> studious
- Noia –> noioso, ecc.
- Boredom –> boring, etc.
The suffix -oso gives the idea of rich in, which generates something:
- Peloso hairy = rich in hair.
- Noioso boring = that generates boredom.
– istico
- Artista –> artistico.
- Artist –> artistic.
- Turista –> turistico, ecc.
- Tourist –> tourist, etc.
The suffix -istico comes from nouns ending in -ista.
– ale
- Posta –> postale.
- Post –> postal.
- Centro –> centrale.
- Center –> central.
- Forma –> formale, ecc.
- Form –> formal, etc.
– ano
- Paese –> paesano.
- Country –> villager.
- Mondo –> mondano, ecc.
- World –> worldly, etc.
– ico (derived from ancient Greek).
- Automa –> automatico.
- Automaton –> automatic.
- Democrazia –> democratico.
- Democracy –> democratic.
- Politica –> politico, ecc.
- Politics –> politician, etc.
– are
- Sole –> solare.
- Sun –> solar.
- Luna –> lunare.
- Moon –> lunar.
- Singolo –> singolare, ecc.
- Single –> singular, etc.
3. The most common suffixes to form geographical adjectives are:
– itano/etano
- Palermo –> palermitano.
- Palermo –> Palermo.
- Napoli –> napoletano, ecc.
- Naples –> Neapolitan, etc.
– ese
- Ungheria -> ungherese.
- Hungary -> Hungarian.
- Bari -> barese, ecc.
- Bari -> Bari, etc.
– imo
- Parigi –> parigino.
- Paris –> Parisian.
- Firenze –> fiorentino, ecc.
- Florence –> Florentine, etc.
– ano
- Ascoli –> ascolano.
- Ascoli –> ascoli.
- Roma –> romano, ecc.
- Rome –> Roman, etc.