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Le congiunzioni coordinative (conclusive e correlative) / Coordinating conjunctions (conclusive and correlative).

5. Conclusive conjunctions

They join two elements of which the second is the consequence or conclusion of the first.

Non lo amo più e dunque l’ho lasciato.
I don’t love him anymore and so I left him.
Lui mi ha offeso e quindi non gli parlo più.
He offended me and so I don’t talk to him anymore.
Il treno era già partito, allora ho preso l’autobus.
The train had already left, so I took the bus.

A). Dunque (so)

It is used to introduce the consequence of what has been said before.

  • Sono stanco, dunque mi prendo una settimana di ferie.
  • I’m tired, so I’m taking a week off.

B). Perciò/quindi (therefore)

Perciò and quindi are used as a synonym of (dunque)

  • Suo padre è inglese, perciò anche lei ha il passaporto di quel paese.
  • Her father is British, so she too has a British passport.
  • Occorre aumentare la produzione, quindi bisogna chiedere agli operai di lavorare al sabato.
  • We need to increase production, so we need to ask the workers to work on Saturdays.

C). Allora (so/that)

  • Se vuoi venire, allora preparati.
  • If you want to come, then get ready.
  • Non ti piace?, allora non voglio insistere.
  • You don’t like it?, so I don’t want to insist.

6. Correlatives conjunctions

Create a correspondence or relate two or more elements.

Devi deciderti: o studi o impari un lavoro.
You have to decide: either you study or you learn a job.
Il libro si rivolge sia agli adulti sia a un pubblico più giovane.
The book is aimed at both adults and a younger audience.
Né io né tu vogliamo continuare questo lavoro.
Neither I nor you want to continue this work.
Non solo…ma anche
(Not only…. but also)
Non solo lavorava da noi, ma frequentava anche l’universita.
Not only did he work for us, but he also attended university.

A). O…O (either…or)

  • Devi deciderti: o studi o impari un lavoro.
  • You have to decide: either you study or you learn a job.

B). Sia…sia (both..and)

It is used in affirmative sentences to correlate two parts of the sentence, something like (e).

In modern Italian, it is often found (sia.. che).

  • Sia Franco sia(che) Antonio giocano a calcio.
  • Both Franco and Antonio play soccer.

C). Né..né (neither..or/nor)

It is used in negative sentences to correlate two parts of the sentence.

  • Non ho visto né Paolo né sua moglie al cinema.
  • I didn’t see either Paolo or/nor his wife at the cinema.

Né..né could be replaced with (e neanche)

  • Non ho visto Paolo e neanche sua moglie al cinema.
  • I didn’t see Paolo or his wife at the cinema.

D). Non solo…ma anche (Not only…. but also)

  • Non solo vorrei ringraziarvi, ma anche ricambiarvi il favore.
  • Not only would I like to thank you, but also to return you the favor.