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Italian Grammar: Demonstratives In Italian

In Italian grammar, we use demonstratives (Questo, Questa, Questi, Queste) when talking about things or people close to us, but we use demonstratives (Quello, Quel, Quell’, Quella, Quelli, Quei, Quegli, Quelle) When we talk about things or people who are distant from us

Italian Grammar: Demonstratives Pronouns and Adjectives in Italian

1. Italian grammar: The demonstrative Questo (This)

We use (Questo, Questa, Questi, Queste) when we talk about things or people that are or feel close to us, in time and space.

Before a consonantQuesto
Before vowelQuest’
Before a consonant
Before a vowel
Italian Grammar: Questo in Italian

The form (Quest’) is rarely used: usually, the form (Questa, Questo) is more used.

  • Questo libro è molto utile.
  • (This book is very useful)

The sentence means that the book is close to us, maybe we are reading it, we are holding it, or it is on the table.

  • Noi amiamo questo lavoro.
  • (We love this job)

This sentence means that we are talking about a job we do now. The work is near and present (in time).

  • Questa poltrona è molto comoda.
  • (This armchair is very comfortable)

This sentence means that I am probably sitting in the armchair. The armchair is close (in space).

2. Italian grammar: The demonstrative Quello (That)

We use (Quello, Quel, Quell’, Quella, Quelli, Quei, Quegli, Quelle) when we talk about things or people distant from us, in time and space.

Before consonantQuel
Before vowelQuell’
Before S+consonant,
Before a consonantQuei

Before a vowelQuegli
Before S+consonant,
Italian Grammar: Quello in Italian
  • Ti piace quel ragazzo Spagnolo?
  • (Do you like that Spanish boy?)

The sentence means that the Spanish boy is not present at that moment, he is far away.

  • Ricordi il nome di quella ragazza Americana?
  • (Remember the name of that American girl?)

This sentence means that (the American girl) is far away (in time). She is far away that we no longer remember her name.

  • Vedi quella casa in fondo alla strada?
  • (See that house down the street?)

This sentence means that (that house) is far away (in space). It’s down the street.

Demonstratives, like possessives, can be adjectives or pronouns. The demonstratives (Questo, Questa, Questi, Queste, Quello, Quella, Quelle) can be adjectives and pronouns. The demonstratives (Quel, Quei, Quegli) are only adjectives. The Demonstrative (Quelli) is only a pronoun.

1. Demonstratives as adjectives (when they accompany a noun).

A). Italian grammar: The demonstrative Questo

Before consonantQuestoQuesta
Before vowelQuest’Quest’
Before consonant,
Before vowel
Italian Grammar: Questo in Italian

B). Italian grammar: The demonstrative Quello

Before consonantQuelQuella
Before vowelQuell’Quell’
Before S+consonant,
Before consonantQueiQuelle
Before vowelQuegliQuelle
Before S+consonant,
Italian Grammar: Quello in Italian

Feminine Singular

  • Questa / Quella festa. (this/that party)
  • Questa / Quella domanda. (this/that question)
  • Questa, Quest’ / Quell’idea. (this/that idea)
  • Questa, Quest’ / Quell’appartamento. (this/that apartment)

Feminine Plural

  • Queste / Quelle feste. (these/those parties)
  • Queste / Quelle domande. (these/those questions)

Masculine Singular

  • Questo / Quel libro. (this/that book)
  • Questo, Quest’ / Quell’ albero. (this/that tree)
  • Questo / Quello studente. (this/that student)

Masculine Plural

  • Questi / Quei libri. (these/those books)
  • Questi / Quegli alberi. (these/those trees)
  • Questi / Quegli studenti. (these/those students)

2. Demonstratives as pronouns (when they replace a noun).

A). Italian grammar: The demonstrative Questo/Quello

Italian Grammar: Questo/Quello as pronouns
  • Questa è la mia casa e Quella è la casa di mia sorella.
  • (This is my house and that is my sister’s house)
  • Ecco mio papà (nella Foto) e Quello è lui da bambino.
  • (Here is my dad(in the picture) and that is him as a child).
  • Questo è il nonstro autobus?
  • (This is our bus?)
  • Quali film preferisci? quelli d’avventura
  • (Which movies do you prefer? Those of adventure).
  • Dove sono Le mie foto? Qelle del mare sono sul tavolo
  • (Where are my photos? Those of the sea are on the table.)


  1. In the written and spoken language we use (Quello Che) instead of (Questo Che) for questions, themes, and problems that concern us closely, and are close to us.
    • Quello che pensi è giusto.
    • (What you think is right)
    • Quello che dici è vero.
    • (What you say is true)
  2. The pronoun (Ciò) is invariable and means (Questa cosa, Queste cose, Quella cosa, Quelle cose) (this thing, these things).
    • Ho la febbbre, ciò significa sono malato.
    • (I have a fever, which means I am sick.)
    • Non hai superato l’esame, ciò significa che non hai studiato.
    • (You have not passed the exam, this means that you have not studied)

Sometimes we use (Ciò Che) instead of (Quello Che).

  • Ciò (Quello) che pensi è la verità.
  • (What you think is the truth).
  • Ciò (Quello) che mi dici mi rende felice!
  • (What you tell me makes me happy!)