The present expresses an action a fact or a state that refers to or takes place at the moment in which we speak:
- Beviamo una tazza di tè.
- Let’s drink a cup of tea.
- Il sole splende.
- The sun shines.
- Sono felice.
- I am happy.
Here are some common words that indicate the present indicative.
- Ora/ adesso (now)
- Spesso (often)
- Oggi (today)
- Ogni (every)
- Di solito (usually)
- Stasera (tonight)
- Oggi pomeriggio (this afternoon)
- Stamattina (this morning)
- Questo mese (this month)
- Questa settimana (this week)
- Quest’anno (this year)
- Fine settimana (this weekend)
- Prima.. poi.. (first..then…)
1. The form of the present indicative.
The present indicative is formed by replacing the infinitive ending of each verb group (-are/-ere/-ire) with the following endings:
Person | -are | -ere | -ire |
io tu lui/lei noi voi loro | -o -i -a -iamo -ate -ano | -o -i -e -iamo -ete -ono | -o -i -e -iamo -ite -ono |
2. Uses of the present indicative
The present indicative is used to indicate:
1. A fact, an action that usually occurs (Habit):
- L’autobus parte alle otto di mattina.
- The bus leaves at eight in the morning.
- Vado sempre a letto alle dieci.
- I always go to bed at ten.
- Dici sempre un sacco di bugie.
- You always tell a lot of lies.
2. A certain characteristic of the subject:
- Elena è un’ottima pianista.
- Elena is an excellent pianist.
- Elisabetta ha gli occhi verdi.
- Elizabeth has green eyes.
- Paolo sa sempre tutto.
- Paolo always knows everything.
3. A fact or quality that is always valid and therefore is without time (timeless present), as happens in scientific definitions, laws or proverbs:
- La terra gira intorno al sole.
- The earth revolves around the sun.
- Due più due fanno quattro.
- Two plus two equals four.
- L’Italia è una Repubblica fondata sul lavoro.
- Italy is a Republic founded on work.
- L’ozio è il padre dei vizi.
- Idleness is the father of vices.
- Chi rompe paga.
- Whoever breaks pays.
4. An action in the future to which you want to give an impression of certainty:
In spoken language, however, the use of the present indicative instead of the future is very frequent and overused. In reality, both in written and formal language, the simple future should be preferred, which is the specific tense to describe future actions.
- Ho deciso, domani torno a casa.
- I’ve decided, I’m going home tomorrow;
- Ti prometto, il prossimo anno mi iscrivo in palestra.
- I promise you, next year I’ll join the gym.
- La prossima estate vado in vacanza al mare.
- Next summer I’m going on holiday to the seaside.
- Fra sei mesi compio trent’anni.
- I’ll be thirty in six months.
- Sabato andiamo a ballare in discoteca.
- On Saturday we go dancing at the disco.
- Fra breve mi laureo e poi mi cerco un lavoro.
- I’ll graduate soon and then I’ll look for a job.
5. The present is sometimes also used instead of the remote past to describe an event that occurred in the past: in this case it is called the historical present.
The historical present is used above all in narratives, to make them more lively and engaging:
- Dante nasce a Firenze nel 1265 e muore a Ravenna il 14 settembre 1321. (historical present)
- Dante was born in Florence in 1265 and died in Ravenna on 14 September 1321.
- Negli anni 1536-41 Michelangelo è a Roma e dipinge “Il Giudizio Universale”. (historical present)
- In the years 1536-41 Michelangelo was in Rome and painted “The Last Judgment”.
- Allora il ragazzo si alza, prende le sue cose e se ne va sbattendo la porta. (present narrative)
- Then the boy gets up, takes his things, and leaves, slamming the door.