To form the passive voice of the verb we can use the verb (to be) Essere, (to come) Venire, (to go) Andare, or the passivating “Si“.
1. The passive form with the verb Venire.
The passive voice can be formed using the verb Venire as an auxiliary instead of Essere (in any verb mood; only in simple times):
- Il sindaco viene eletto dai cittadini.
- The mayor is elected by the citizens.
- Spesso i genitori non vengono / verranno / venivano ecc. ascoltati.
- Parents are often not listened to.
- Often parents will not be listened to.
- Parents were often not listened to.
When the agent is not expressed”‘, the verb venire is often used, which gives the sentence a clear “dynamic” meaning of passive:
- La porta viene aperta, significa che la porta viene vista nel suo essere aperta da qualcuno.
- The door is opened, which means that the door is seen as being opened by someone.
- Il portone d’ingresso viene aperto alle 8 e richiuso la sera alle 7.
- The entrance door is opened at 8 and closed in the evening at 7.
Can also give undynamic meaning.
- Queste cose vengono dette e ridette, ma nessuno non se le ricorda mai.
- These things are said over and over again, but no one ever remembers them.
2. The passive form with the verb Andare.
The passive voice can be formed using the verb Andare as an auxiliary instead of Essere in the following cases.
- In any verb mood
- Only simple tenses
- Only in the third person singular and plural
- Always with the idea of obbligo obligation, necessità necessity, opportunità opportunity, Dovere must etc.
- With verbs like Distruggere, Perdere, Smarrire, Sprecare, Rovinare, etc.
- Otto ore al giorno significano otto gettoni che vanno pagati (che devono essere pagati).
- Eight hours a day means eight tokens that have to be paid.
- Il vino bianco va servito fresco (= deve essere servito fresco), perché ottenga l’effetto migliore.
- White wine should be served chilled (= it must be served chilled), for it to obtain the best effect.
- Questo lavoro deve essere / va fatto meglio.
- This job needs to be/must be done better.
- Durante la guerra molti palazzi sono andati distrutti (= sono stati distrutti).
- During the war many buildings were destroyed (= were destroyed).