The article is NOT used in the following cases:
1. In proverbs, telegrams, column titles, headings, and signs.
- Buon vino fa buon sangue (proverbio).
- [(Good wine makes good blood (proverb)].
- Botte piccola fa buon vino (proverbio).
- [Small barrel makes good wine (proverb)].
- Arrivo previsto domani ore 18 (telegramma).
- [Expected arrival tomorrow at 6pm (telegram)].
- Orario delle lezioni di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana.
- (Timetable of Italian Language and Literature lessons).
- Entrata – Uscita.
- (Entrance – Exit).
- Ristorante – Libreria.
- (Restaurant – Bookshop).
2. In enumerations.
- C’erano parenti, amici, colleghi…
- There were relatives, friends, colleagues…
- Abbiamo mangiato pasta, risotto, insalata e dolce.
- We ate pasta, risotto, salad and dessert.
3. In verbal locutions such as.
- Sentire caldo /freddo.
- (Feeling hot/cold).
- Avere fame/ sete.
- (Feeling hungry/thirsty).
- Fare pietà / piacere / caso.
- (To pity / please / chance).
- Avere bisogno/sonno.
- (Need/sleep).
- Prender moglie.
- (Get married).
- Cambiare opinione / idea.
- (Changing your opinion/mind).
- Provare/ piacere/ disgusto, ecc.
- (Feeling, liking/disgusting, etc).
4. With some geographical names like:
A). Streets/ roads/squares etc.
- Via Manzoni/ Nazionale.
- (Manzoni/ Nazionale street).
- Viale Marconi.
- (Marconi path).
- Grande Strada delle Dolomiti.
- (Great Road of the Dolomites).
- Piazza Duomo/ Novana.
- (Duomo/ Novana square)
B). Cities.
- Vado a Roma/ Milano / Genova.
- (I’m going to Rome/Milan/Genoa).
- Abito a Atene / New York / Berlino.
- (I live in Athens / New York / Berlin).
C). With small islands.
- Abito a Ischia / Pantelleria / Ponza / Capri.
- (I live in Ischia / Pantelleria / Ponza / Capri).
- Vivo a Salina/ Filicudi/ Giannutri.
- (Vivo a Salina/ Filicudi/ Giannutri).
- L’Elba/ L’Asinara/ Il Giglio.
- (The Elba/ Asinara/ Giglio).
D). With some Large islands.
Large island names TAKE the definite article except:
- Cuba/ Giava/ Haiti/ Sumatra/ Formosa/Rodi.
- Zante/ Cipro/ Creta/ Maiorca/ Malta/Taiwan.
E). With continents, states, regions, and large islands.
Continents, states, regions, and large islands TAKE the definite article unless they are preceded by the preposition (in/di).
- In Africa/ In Messico/ in Lombardia/ in Corsica/ In sicilia.
- (In Africa/ In Mexico/ in Lombardy/ in Corsica/ In Sicily).
- Il re d’Inghilterra.
- (The King of England).
- La capitale d’Italia.
- (The capital of Italy).
- I vini di Sicilia.
- (The wines of Sicily).
- I mondiali di Francia.
- (The World Cup in France).
- Negli Stati Uniti/ Nelle Filippine.
- (In the United States/Philippines).
- La capitale della Norvegia.
- (The capital of Norway)
- Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti.
- (The President of the United States).
- I mondiali del Messico.
- (The World Cup in Mexico).
5. The article in front of family names (preceded by the possessive).
Normally the definite article is NOT used before FAMILY NAMES when they are preceded by the possessive IN THE SINGULAR.
- Mio padre (My father).
- Tuo fratello (Your brother).
- Suo cognato (His brother-in-law).
- Nostro zio (Our uncle).
6. With proper names.
Normally the article is NOT used with the names (and surnames) of people.
- Giacomo/ Giovanni.
- (James/John).
- Luca e Matteo sono amici.
- (Luca and Matteo are friends).
Normally the article is NOT used in front of religious titles.
- Don Luigi.
- (Don Luigi).
- Fra Cristoforo.
- (Brother Christopher).
- Suor Teresa.
- (Suor Teresa).