The adjective has the function of modifying its meaning or qualifying the noun (or another part of speech) to which it refers and on which it depends grammatically.
The adjective adds to the noun:
1. A quality in the case of (aggettivi qualificativi) qualifying adjectives.
- Un bel libro (a good book).
- Un cagnolino simpatico (a cute dog).
- Un orologio preciso (an accurate watch).
2. A determination in the case of (aggettivi determinativi o indicativi) determinate or indicative adjectives [dimostrativi, possessive, numerali, indefinite, inerrogativi ed esclamativi].
- Questo libro (this book).
- Tre cagnolini (three little dogs).
- Il mio orologio (my watch).
The adjective can be combined with the noun:
1. Directly, In this case, we speak of an attributive function.
- Un interessante documentario (An interesting documentary).
- Un film bellissimo (A beautiful film).
- Una persona simpaticissima (A very nice person).
- Un viaggio indimenticabile (An unforgettable trip).
2. By means of a nominal verb in this case we speak of a predicative function.
- Questo documentario mi sembra interessante.
- This documentary seems interesting to me.
- Quel film è bellissimo.
- That movie is beautiful.
Qualifying adjectives can be found in the predicative function, but not all determinate adjectives.