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How Do You Say Hello In Italian? Ciao!

When you first learn a language it’s very important to learn all the basics first. And learning how to say hello in Italian is one of those basics.

The most simply known way to say “Hello” to someone in Italian is “Ciao” which means “Hello” or “Hi” in Italian.

The word “Ciao” is a very famous word in Italy and also in the whole world. The word “Ciao” has two meanings in Italian, It either means “Hello” or “Bye“, So you can use it when you meet or leave someone.

The word “Ciao” has a Venetian origin from the word “S-ciao” Or “S-Ciavo” which literally means “I am your slave“. And is a way to show total respect to the other. The word “Ciao” spread throughout Italy, in the nineteenth century, and has become the most widespread and used Italian word in the world.

How Do You Say Hello In Italian? Ciao!
How Do You Say Hello In Italian? Ciao!

How to say hello in Italian? (Informal)

The Word “Ciao” is the most common informal way to say “Hello” in Italian. it is a friendly and confidential greeting when meeting or leaving someone at any time of the day or night.

  • Ciao! >> (Hello)
  • Ciao, Ragazzi! >> (Hi, guys!)
  • Ciao, Ragazze! >> (Hi, girls!)
  • Ciao, A tutti! >> (Hi, everybody!)
  • Ciao, Raga! >> (Hi, guys!)
  • Ciao, Cari amici! >> (Hi, dear friends!)

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How to say hello in Italian? (Formal)

There are several ways of saying “Hello” in Italian that can be more formal than “Ciao“. All the formal words and phrases below you can in formal situations like going to the bank, supermarket, talking to the doctor, professor, a stranger, etc.


Salve! Hello

While Ciao is a worldwide known word for saying hello in Italy, Salve, on the other hand, is the most used greeting word that is only known in Italy.

The Word Salve! is the imperative form of the Latin verb “Salvere>> To be in good health” and therefore an expression of good wishes (Salute a te >> Health to you), which is now used in Italian as a greeting.

How and when to use Salve?

Salve! is like “Ciao” Both can mean “hi” or “bye” but it is used more as “hello“.

Salve! is more formal than “Ciao” and can be used with strangers at any time of the day.

Salve! is also used when we write an Emile to someone.

Salve! is a medium form of greeting, neither too formal nor too informal.

Salve! is useful in all those unofficial situations in which we are uncertain about what level of formality to adopt.

  • Salve, Ragazzi! >> (Hello, Guys!)
  • Salve a tutti! >> (Hello, everybody!)
  • Salve, Dottore! >> (Hello, Doctor!)
  • Salve, Signora! >> (Hello, Madam!)


  1. Buongiorno! (Good morning!)
  2. Buon pomeriggio! (Good afternoon!)
  3. Buonasera! (Good evening!)

You can use Buongiorno, Buon pomeriggio, or Buona Sera to greet someone in a formal way instead of saying “Ciao

All three Forms are a combination of two words (Buono >> good) and (Giorno >> day), (Pomeriggio >> afternoon), or (Sera >> evening).

You Can say Buongiorno only in the morning time, Buon pomeriggio in the afternoon From 12.00 Pm to 17.00 Pm, and Buona sera only in the evening.

You can use any of the three forms when talking to one person or a group of people.

  • Buongiorno a tutti! >> (Good morning everyone!)
  • Buon pomeriggio a tutti! >> (Good afternoon everyone!)
  • Buona Sera a tutti! >> (Good evening everyone!)
  • Buongiorno, Signor Fabio! >> (Good morning, Mr.Fabio!)
  • Buonasera, Signora! >> (Good evening, Madam!)

How to say hello on the phone in Italian?

Italians use a different word from “Ciao” when they pick up the phone and that word is:

  • Pronto (Hello!)
  • Pronto? >>(Hello!)
  • Pronto, Posso parlare con Emilia?>>(Hello, Can I speak to Emilia?)

How do you respond to Greetings in Italian?

Responding to greetings in Italian depends on the situation and the person you are talking to.

Let’s see several situations in which you can respond to formal and informal greetings in Italian.

1. How do you respond to “ciao” in Italian?

The easy way to respond to “Ciao” is to say another “Ciao

When meeting a friend.

  • Maria: Ciao, Antonio! (Hi, Antonio)
  • Antonio: Ciao, Maria! (Hi, Maria)

When meeting a group of friends.

  • Antonio: Ciao, a tutti! (Hi, Everyone)
  • I ragazzi: Ciao, Antonio! (Hi, Antonio)

When meeting your loved one

  • Ciao, tesoro >> (Hi Sweetie)
  • Ciao, amore >> (Hi, Love)
  • Ciao, amore mio >> (Hi, My love)
  • Ciao, bella / bello >> (Hi, Beautiful)
  • Ciao, caro / cara >> ( Hello, dear/ darling)

When introducing yourself

When someone is introduced to you by saying “Ciao + their name” you can respond with “Ciao” or “Piacere” to be more polite.

  • Antonio: Ciao, Mi chiamo Antonio. (Hello, my name is Antonio)
  • Laura: Ciao Antonio, Io sono Laura.(Hi Antonio, I’m Laura)
  • Michele: Ciao, sono Michele. (Hi, I’m Michele)
  • Maria: Piacere, sono Maria. (Pleased to meet you, I’m Maria)
  • Alberto: Ciao, Mi chiamo Alberto. (Hi, My name is Alberto)
  • Isabella: Ciao Alberto, Sono Isabella. (Hi Alberto, I’m Isabella)

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2. How do you reply to “Buongiorno” in Italian?

The easy way to respond to “Buongiorno” is to say another “Buongiorno“, but be aware that you can only use “Buongiorno” in the morning time.

When meeting a Strenger, at the bank, at the supermarket, at the hotel, etc.

  • Buongiorno, Signor Antonio! (Good morning, Mr.Antonio)
  • Buongiorno, Signora Maria! (Good morning, Mrs. Maria!)
  • Buongiorno,Dottor Alberto. (Good morning, Doctor Alberto)
  • Buongiorno, Signora. (Good morning, Madam)
  • Buongiorno, Come posso aiutarLa? (Good morning, how can I help you?)
  • Buongiorno, Voglio prenotare una stanza. (Good morning, I want to book a room)

When meeting a group of People.

  • Buongiorno, a tutti! (Good morning, everyone)
  • Buongiorno Cari studenti, prego prendete posto. (Good morning dear students, please take your seats)

When introducing yourself

  • Buongiorno, Mi chiamo Antonio. (Hello, My name is Antonio)
  • Buongiorno, Mi Presento, sono Luca (Hello, I would like to introduce myself, I am Luca)
  • Buongiorno, Mi presento, sono la signora Emanuela (Hello, I would like to introduce myself, I am Ms. Emanuela)
  • Buongiorno, innanzitutto, mi presento: Io mi chiamo Ludovico Arena. (Good morning, First of all, let me introduce myself: My name is Ludovico Arena)
  • Buongiorno a tutti, mi presento sono vincenzo Biagi. (Good morning everyone, I would like to introduce myself I am Vincenzo Biagi)

How do you say hello how are you in Italian?

There are so many ways to say how are you? in Italian but for now, we will show you the most common ones and how they can be used with “Ciao” andBuongiorno“.

  • Ciao, Come stai? >> (Hello, How are you?)
  • Ciao, Come va? >> (Hello, How are you?)
  • Buongiorno, Come sta? >> (Hello, How are you?)
  • Ciao ragazzi, Come state? >> (Hi, guys how are you?)
  • Buongiorno a tutti, Come state? >> (Hello everyone, How are you?)

Other ways to say hello in Italian

1. You can use the verb (Salutare) to send a greeting to someone.

  • Lo saluti da parte mia >> (Say hello to him from me)
  • La saluti da parte mia >> (Say hello to her from me)
  • Saluta da parte mia tua moglie >> (Say hello to your wife for me)
  • Saluta Carlo da parte mia >> (Say hello to Carlo for me)

2. If you entered a place and you can’t find anyone instead of saying “Ciao”, you can say:

  • C’è Nessuno? >> (Is anybody there?)
  • C’è Qualcuno? >> (Is there anyone?)

How To say Goodbye in Italian?

After using “Ciao” to start a conversation or to greet someone, at the end you will need to say goodbye, and to say goodbye in Italian you can use these words:

  • Ciao! >> (Goodbye)
  • Arrivederci! >> (Goodbye)
  • Addio! >> (Goodbye)