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I pronomi allocutivi (tonici)/ Tonic allocutive pronouns.

The allocutionary pronoun is the one with which we address someone directly.

We use polite (or allocutive) pronouns when we address a person we do not know or are not familiar with.

First: Tonic allocutive pronouns.

TuLei (Ella)
VoiVoi (Loro)

1). In the Singular


In Italy, the Tu is used when there is a relationship of familiarity, friendship, and confidence with the interlocutor. For example, Tu is used between family members, friends, and very often between colleagues, especially if they are the same age. The use of Tu is becoming more and more widespread, especially among young people.


The Lei is the “form of courtesy”. In Italy, the Lei is used when there is no relationship of confidence between the interlocutors. Addressing someone with the Lei is a sign of respect. It is used, for example, between people who do not know each other (as in offices, shops, or on the street), between employees and superiors, and by young people towards the elderly.

  • Professore, spero che Lei non sia troppo severo con me.
  • (Professor, I hope you are not too harsh on me).
  • Lei, Professoressa, è stata molto buona.
  • (You, Professor, were very good).


The use of Ella is highly formal, reserved almost exclusively for the written form or in any case in areas that require particular attention. For example in political and diplomatic environments, in the highest echelons of public offices.

  • Ella, Signor Ministro, è il benvenuto nel nostro paese.
  • (You, Mr. Minister, are welcome to our country).
  • Signor Presidente, Ella vorrà comprendere il nostro imbarazzo.
  • (Mr President, you will want to understand our embarrassment).


The use of Voi as a form of courtesy (instead of Lei) has now almost disappeared; only in the South is it still widespread.

2). in the Plural.


The pronoun Voi is used both as the plural of Tu and as the plural of Lei.


It is the plural of the pronoun Lei. It is used, however, in particularly formal contexts. For example, in political, diplomatic, and academic environments, in official situations. It is, however, not as rare in use as Ella.

  • Loro, Signori, stanno comodi?
  • (Are you, Gentlemen, comfortable?).
  • Loro, Signore, sono tranquille?
  • (Are you, Ladies, calm?).

In writing, for example in correspondence, Lei, Ella, Loro, Voi are written with a capital letter, as are the related atonic pronouns and adjectives and possessive pronouns.

  • RingraziandoVi per il Vostro interessamento, Vi inviamo i nostri più cordiali saluti.
  • Thanking you for your interest, we send you our warmest regards.
  • Gentile Signora, abbiamo ricevuto il Suo telegramma…
  • Dear Madam, we have received your telegram…