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Il condizionale composto / the compound conditional.

The conditional can be found in both independent and dependent clauses. The compound conditional in independent clauses expresses the following functions:

1. Action conditioned by a hypothesis (indicated by “if”), impossible action, which has not occurred in the past or we know that it will not occur in the future.

  • Sarebbe rimasto a letto, se avesse potuto.
  • He would have stayed in bed if he could.
  • Avrebbero guadagnato tempo, se avessero preso le scorciatoie.
  • They would have saved time if they had taken shortcuts.
  • Ce l’avreste fatta, qualora foste stati in due.
  • You would have made it if there were two of you.
  • Sarei venuto volentieri da te ieri, ma purtroppo ero già impegnato.
  • I would have gladly come to you yesterday, but unfortunately I was already busy.

2. Regret, benevolent reproach

  • Avremmo voluto fare più in fretta.
  • We would have liked to have done it faster.
  • Avresti dovuto studiare di più!
  • You should have studied more!

In addition to the compound conditional, regret is also expressed by the simple conditional + past infinitive:

  • Come vorrei essere stato in vacanza con te!
  • How I wish I had been on vacation with you!
  • Vorrei aver fatto di più per te!
  • I wish I had done more for you!

3. Unconfirmed news, for “hearsay”, more commonly used in journalistic style.

[with the meaning of: si dice (it says) / sembra che (seem to) + past tenses in the subjunctive]

  • La polizia avrebbe arrestato (cioè: si dice che abbia arrestato) un pericoloso assassino appartenente ad un clan mafioso.
  • The police would have arrested (that is: they are said to have arrested) a dangerous murderer belonging to a mafia clan.
  • Secondo gli esperti, la lira avrebbe recuperato due punti sulle altre valute.
  • According to experts, the lira has recovered two points against other currencies.
  • I parlamentari nella giornata di ieri avrebbero lavorato più di dodici ore.
  • The parliamentarians worked more than twelve hours yesterday.

4. Future action relative to a past time (the so-called “future in the past”).

  • Gli pareva di vedere che cosa sarebbe avvenuto: avrebbe salito quella scala, sarebbe entrato in quel salotto…
  • He seemed to see what would happen: he would climb that staircase, he would enter that living room…
  • Tutti immaginavano come ti saresti comportato: non avresti osato parlare.
  • Everyone imagined how you would behave: you wouldn’t dare speak.
  • Pensava che i parenti non lo avrebbero capito.
  • He thought his relatives wouldn’t understand him.