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Il discorso diretto e indiretto con i verbi introduttivi / Direct and indirect speech with introductory verbs.

In the transition from direct to indirect speech, we can use the conjunction che (that) or se (if).

1. The conjunction (che) with introductory verbs

introductory verbs [affermare, dichiarare, ripetere, aggiungere, dire, rispondere, annunciare, asserire, esclamare, negare, seguitare, spiegare, commentare, continuare, raccontare, replicare ecc.] + Che + The indicative.

Direct speechIndirect speech
Mio zio era solito ripetermi: “Ogni giorno ha i suoi problemi”
My uncle used to tell me: “Every day has its problems”
“Anch’io alla tua età avevo gli stessi problemi” mi dice mio nonno”
“At your age I too had the same problems” my grandfather tells me”
Mio zio era solito ripetermi che ogni giorno ha i suoi problemi.
My uncle used to tell me that every day has its problems.
Mio nonno mi dice che anche lui alla mia età aveva gli stessi problemi.
My grandfather tells me that he too had the same problems at my age.

When the subject is the same person in both sentences we can use DI + INFINITIVE.

Direct speechIndirect speech
“Non ho più voglia di uscire” gli disse sua moglie.
“I don’t feel like going out anymore,” his wife told him.
Sua moglie gli disse di non avere più voglia di uscire.
His wife told him she no longer wanted to go out.

2. The conjunction se with introductory verbs

introductory verbs [chiedere, domandare, voler sapere] + Se + The indicative/ subjunctive / conditional.

Direct speechIndirect speech
“Avete ancora voglia di continuare?” domandò agli studenti”
“Do you still want to continue?” he asked the students”
Domandò agli studenti se avessero/avevano ancora voglia di continuare.
He asked the students if they still wanted to continue.

3. Other conjunctions

Indirect speech can also begin with come how, quando when,chi who, che cosa what, dove where,perché why, quanto how much, etc. (which introduce question, request, information, etc.) + subjunctive / indicative / conditional.

Direct speechIndirect speech
“Com’è possibile una cosa del genere?” mi chiedeva.
“How is something like this possible?” she asked me.
“Quanti anni hai?” mi chiese.

“How old are you?” she asked me.
“Dove vai?” volle sapere.

“Where are you going?” he wanted to know.
“Quando tornate?” mi ha domandato.

“When are you coming back?” he asked me.
“Chi siete?” si chiedeva
“Who are you?” he wondered.
Mi chiedeva come fosse/era possibile una cosa del genere.
She asked me how such a thing was possible.
Mi chiese quanti anni avevo/avessi.

He asked me how old I was.
Volle sapere dove io andassi/andavo/sarei andato.

He wanted to know where I went/was going/would go.
Mi ha domandato quando tornavamo/tornassimo/ saremmo tornati.

He asked me when we were coming back/we would be back.
Si chiedeva chi fossimo/chi eravamo.

He wondered who we were.

If the verb that introduces the direct speech is a verb of opinion (doubt, uncertainty, will, etc.), the indirect speech will have the subjunctive.

Direct speechIndirect speech
“È normale agire in questo modo?” si domandava dubbioso
“Is it normal to act this way?” he wondered doubtfully
“Sarà meglio restare” questa era la sua opinione.

“It would be better to stay” this was his opinion.
“Rispondete e dite apertamente quello che pensate” questo lui vuole.

“Answer and say what you think openly” is what he wants.
“Cerca di star bene” lui le augurava.

“Try to be well” he wished her.
Si domandava dubbioso se fosse normale agire in quel modo.
He wondered doubtfully if it was normal to act that way.
La sua opinione era che fosse meglio restare.

His opinion was that it was better to stay.
Lui vuole che rispondiate diciate apertamente quello che pensate.

He wants you to answer and say what you think openly.
Lui le augurava che (lei) cercasse di star bene.

He hoped she would try to get well.