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Il modo infinito / The infinitive mood.

The infinitive mood is used to indicate the action expressed by the verb in a generic way:

  • Camminare (walking)
  • Bere (drinking)
  • Piangere (crying)
  • Viaggiare (travelling)

The infinite mood has a simple tense (made up of only one element): The present tense.


The present infinitive indicates the simultaneity of two actions, whether in the present, past, or future tense.

  • Volvevo diventare un avvocato.
  • I wanted to become a lawyer.
  • Voglio diventare un avvocato.
  • I want to become a lawyer.
  • Vorrò diventare un avvocato.
  • I will want to become a lawyer.

The infinite mood also has a compound tense (made up of two elements): The past tense.

aver amatoaver lettoaver partito

In addition to having the function of a verb, the infinitive can also be used as a noun, that is, with the value of a noun:

  • Questo vostro andare e venire mi disturba parecchio.
  • This coming and going of yours disturbs me a lot.