The name participle derives from the fact that it, as well as the verb, ‘participates’ in the nature of the noun and the adjective and possesses their characteristics. The participle has two tenses: simple (or present) and compound (or past).
1. Form of the present participle.
Infinitive | Present participle |
Cant-are Cred-ere Segu-ire | Cant-ante Cred-ente Segu-ente |
Some irregular forms of the present participle:
Infinitive | Present participle |
Bere(to drink) Dire(to say) Fare(to do) Condurre(to drive) Porre(to put) Trarre(to draw) | Bevente Dicente Facente Conducente Ponente Traente |
There are several verbs in -ire with the present participle in -iente.
Ubbidire(to obey) Convenire(to agree) | Ubbidiente Conveniente |
2. Uses of the present participle
The present participle can be used as an adjective, a noun, or a verb. The use as an adjective and as a noun is the most frequent.
1). As an adjective.
- È un film divertente.
- It’s a fun movie.
- Sei sempre sorridente.
- You are always smiling.
- È un ragazzo obbediente.
- He is an obedient boy.
- È una ragazza brillante.
- She’s a brilliant girl.
2). As a noun.
- Un bravo comandante.
- A good commander.
- Una brava assistente.
- A good assistant.
- Una stupenda cantante.
- A wonderful singer.
3). As a verb.
When used as a verb, the present participle takes on the value of a relative preposition (che). In modern Italian, this use is limited to bureaucratic language.
- I cittadini residenti in questo quartiere dovranno recarsi a votare al seggio 209.
- I cittadini che risiedono in questo quartiere dovranno recarsi a votare al seggio 209.
- Citizens residing in this district will have to go to polling station 209 to vote.
- Gli studenti frequentanti il corso medio devono presentarsi in segreteria.
- Students attending the intermediate course must go to the secretariat.
- Questo avviso è per tutti i cantanti partecipanti alla selezione.
- This notice is for all singers participating in the selection.
- Tutte le famiglie abitanti in questo palazzo devono lasciare lo stabile.
- All families living in this building must leave the building.