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Il raddoppiamento delle consonanti / The doubling of consonants

There are sixteen consonants (b-c-d-f-g-h-l-m-n-p-q-r-s-t-v-z) in the Italian alphabet.

The pronunciation of consonants changes when they double. It is necessary to know the difference between the correct pronunciation of the letter when it is doubled or not.

Il raddoppiamento delle consonanti (The doubling of consonants)

1. All consonants can be doubled in a word, except (h) and (q).

La lettera e la pronuncia
(the letter and the pronunciation)
La pronuncia
(The pronunciation)
b [b]Cambia
bb [bb]Rabbia
c [k]Eco
cc [kk]Ecco
(Here you are)
c [tʃ]Bacio
cc [ttʃ]Braccio
d [d]Caldo
dd [dd]Freddo
f [f]Stufa
ff [ff]Stoffa
g [g]Frigo
gg [gg]Friggo
(I fry)
g [ʤ]Regia
gg [dʤ]Reggia
I [I]Vale
(It’s worth it)
II [II]Valle
m [m]Camino
mm [mm]Cammino
(I walk)
n [n]Nono
nn [nn]Nonno
P [P]Papa
PP [PP]Cappa
(cooker hood)
r [r]Coro
rr [rr]Corro
(I run)
s [s] [z]Nota
ss [ss]Notte
t [t]Latina
tt [tt]Lattina
(Tin can)
v [v]Evitare
vv [vv]Avvitare
z [ts]Scalzo
z [tts]Struzzo
z [dz]Zero
zz [ddz]Azzurro
(Sky blue)

2 . When (gli – gn) or (sci – sce ) comes between two vowels they have a double sound even if they don’t have a double letter.

gli gnsce/sci

3. The consonant z is pronounced as if it were a double when it comes between two vowels or in the following cases:

A). In nouns ending with -ion:

  • Azione (action)
  • Lezione (lesson)
  • Informazione (information)

B). In nouns ending in -zia, -zie, -zio:

  • polizia (police)
  • delizie (delights)
  • giudizio(judgment)
  • spazio(space)

4. The doubling of (q) is written (cq).

  • Acqua (Water)
  • Acquistare (Purchase)
  • Acquario (Aquarium)

5. The consonants (g) and (z) do not double before (- ion).

  • stagione (season)
  • ragione (reason)
  • carnagione (complexion)
  • azione (action)
  • correction (correzione)
  • stazione (station)

6. The consonant (b) does not doubled before (-ile).

  • mobile (mobile)
  • terribile (terrible)
  • usabile (usable)
  • amabile (lovable)
  • trasportabile (transportable)
  • bevibile (bevibile)
  • mangiabile (eatable)