The hypothetical period of possibility indicates a consequence that will probably happen in the present or future, which we hope for.
- The condition and the consequence are dubious and theoretical, but possible.
The tenses used are:
PROTASIS -condition (dependent clause) | APODOSIS – consequence (main sentence) | |
Se | Imperfect subjunctive | Simple conditional Imperative |
Imperfect subjunctive > Simple conditional
- Se tu gli confidassi questo segreto, ti capirebbe senz’altro.
- If you told him this secret, he would definitely understand you.
- Se glielo chiedessi con la forma dovuta, non saprebbe dirti di no.
- If you asked him properly, he wouldn’t be able to say no.
- Se lo andaste a trouare, gli fareste un immenso piacere.
- If you went to visit him, you would do him an immense pleasure.
- Se non dovesse essere promosso, sarebbe un grande dispiacere per i suoi.
- If he doesn’t get promoted, it would be a great disappointment for his team.
- Se lei dovesse licenziarsi, ci metterebbe nei guai.
- If she were to quit, it would get us in trouble.
- Se fossi in te, partirei domani.
- If I were you, I would leave tomorrow.
- Se fossi io il direttore, cambierei tutto.
- If I were the director, I would change everything.
- Se fossi il padrone del mondo, abolirei tutte le guerre.
- If I were the master of the world, I would abolish all wars.
- Se avessi i soldi, mi comprerei una Jaguar.
- If I had the money, I’d buy a Jaguar.
- Se solo potessi, smetterei di lavorare.
- If only I could, I would stop working.
Imperfect subjunctive > Imperative
- Se dovesse tornarle la febbre, prenda 20 di queste gocce!
- If your fever comes back, take 20 of these drops!
- Se non ti dovesse rispondere, riprova a telefonare nel pomeriggio!
- If he doesn’t answer you, try calling again in the afternoon!
- Se avessi bisogno di me, chiamami in qualsiasi momento!
- If you need me, call me anytime!