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Italian partitive articles: Del/Dello/Dell’/Della | The 8 Easy Italian partitive articles

Italian Partitive Articles
Italian Partitive Articles

What are the partitive articles in Italian?

The Italian partitive articles (Del, Dello, Dell’, Della) correspond to “Some/Any” in English. Partitive articles indicate a part of something or a small amount of something.

When to use dei, degli, and delle?

Partevie articles (dei, degli, delle, etc) are used before nouns according to the following rules:

Words that begin with a consonantDelDeiDellaDelle
Words that begin with a vowelDell’DegliDell’Delle
Words starting with s + consonant, z, ps, gn, x and yDelloDegli
Italian partitive articles (Del/Dello/Dell’/Della)

What are the forms of the partitive article in Italian?

Partitive articles are formed by combining the preposition Di with the Definite article.

[Partitive article = di + definite article]

Masculine SingularFeminine Singular
Di + Il =DelDi + La =Della
Di + Lo =Dello_
Di + L’ =Dell’Di + L’ =Dell’
Masculine PluralFeminine Plural
Di + i =DeiDi + Le =Delle
Di + Gli =Degli_
Italian partitive articles (Del/Dello/Dell’/Della)
Definite articlePartitive article
FeminineLa carta (The paper)
L’acqua (The water)
Le lettere (The letters)
Della carta (some/any paper)
Dell’acqua (some/any water)
Delle lettere (some/any letters)
MasculineIl vino (The wine)
L’olio (The oil)
Lo zucchero (The sugar)
I libri (The books)
Gli errori (The mistakes)
Del vino (some/any wine)
Dell’olio (some/any oil)
Dello zucchero (some/any sugar)
Dei libri (some/any books)
Degli errori (some/any mistakes)
Italian partitive articles (Del/Dello/Dell’/Della)

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Grammatica della lingua italiana per stranieri1 tuttoinitaliano
Italian Grammar for Foreigners
beginners level (A1-A2)
Grammatica della lingua italiana per stranieri2 tuttoinitaliano
Italian Grammar for Foreigners
intermediate and advanced level (B1- B2)

Alternatives to the Italian partitive articles

A). Qualche (some/any)

Used only with singular, countable nouns although there is a plural sense:

  • Ho letto qualche racconto di Calvino.
  • I read some short stories by Calvino

B). Un pò di (a little/ some / any)

Can be used as an alternative to both singular and sometimes plural partitive articles:

  • Vuoi un pò di latte?
  • Would you like some milk?
  • Vorrei un pò di fragole.
  • I’d like some strawberries.

C). Alcuni, alcune (some / a few)

Can be used as an alternative to the plural partitive article:

  • Ho fatto alcuni esercizi di grammatica.
  • I did some grammar exercises.

D) Nessun, nessuno, nessuna / Alcun, alcuno, alcuna (Not / any).

Can be used before countable nouns.

  • Non ho letto nessun libro di Moravia.
  • I haven’t read any book(s) By Moravia
  • Non ho letto alcun libro di Moravia.
  • I haven’t read any book(s) By Moravia
  • Qui non c’è nessuna penna che funzioni.
  • There’s no pen here that works.
  • Qui non c’è alcuna penna che funzioni.
  • There’s no pen here that works.

Italian partitive articles (Del/Dello/Dell’/Della)

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