Italian vowel pronunciation: There are five vowels in the Italian alphabet (a-o-u-i-e).
Alfabeto Italiano (Italian alphabet) | Alfabeto fonetico internazionale (International phonetic alphabet) | Esempio (Example) | Grafia fonetica (Phonetic spelling) |
A | a | Ape(Bee) Ala(Wing) | Ape Ala |
E, é | e | Sera(Evening) Perché(Why/Because) | Sera Per’ke |
E, è | ɛ | Testa(Head) Caffè(Coffee) | Testa Caffè |
I | i | inizio(Start) idea(idea) | i’nittsjo i’dɛa |
O | o | Ottobre(October) Onore(Honor) | Ot’tobre O’nore |
O, ò | ɔ | Ore(Hours) Oro(Gold) | ɔre ɔro |
U | u | Unità(Unit) Uva(Grape) | Uni’ta Uva |
The vowels (e) and (o) can be read with a closed sound (if the accent is acute é/ó) or with an open sound (if the accent is grave è/ò).
Generally, there are no accents on the letter and correct pronunciation is only possible with use.
è | é | ò | ó |
erba (grass) | cortese (courteous) | corpo (body) | ombra (shadow) |
bello (Handsome | brevetto (patent) | quota (quote) | goloso (gluttonous) |
febbre (fever) | antenna (antenna) | porta (door) | lavoratore (worker) |
castello (castle) | vena (vein) | gotico (Gothic) | pronto (ready) |
metodo (method) | maestro (master) | roccia (rock) | ragione (reason) |
bene (Well) | mese (month) | trovo (I find) | fondo (bottom) |
vespa (wasp) | capelli (hair) | voglia (wants) | ancora (Still) |
adesso (Now) | vero (True) | diciotto (eighteen) | conoscere (know) |
minestra (soup) | perché (Why/because) | qualcosa (something) | persona (person) |
biglietto (ticket) | sera (evening) | poco (little) | mondo (world) |
Some words, written in the same way (homonyms), change meaning if they are pronounced with a grave or acute accent.
è | é | ò | ó |
accetta (accept) | accetta (ax) | botte (beatings) | botte (barrel) |
affetto (affection) | affetto (I cut) | colta (gathering) | colta (cultured) |
collega (companion) | collega (connect) | conservatori (conservatories) | conservatori (conservatives) |
pesca (fruit) | pesca (to fish) | volto (to turn) | volto (face) |
venti (moving air) | venti (Number20) | volgo (to turn) | volgo (people) |
legge (to read) | legge (regulation) | rosa (The flower) | rosa (to gnaw) |
chiese (plural of chiesa) | chiese (To Ask) | fosse (potholes) | fosse (verb to be) |