There are twenty-one letters in the Italian alphabet: sixteen consonants (b-c-d-f-g-h-l-m-n-p-q-r-s-t-v-z) and five vowels (a-o-u-i-e).
Here is a table for each letter with its name and an example for each letter.
Lettera maiuscola (Uppercase letter) | Lettera minuscola (Lowercase letter) | Nomi delle lettere (Name of the letter) | Esempio (Example) |
A | a | a (ah) | Ape (Bee) |
B | b | bi (bee) | Balena (Whale) |
C | c | ci (chee) | Cane (Dog) |
D | d | di (dee) | Delfino (Dolphin) |
E | e | e (eh) | Elefante (Elephant) |
F | f | effe (ehf-feh) | Farfalla (Butterfly) |
G | g | gi (jee) | Giraffa (Giraffe) |
H | h | acca (ahk-kah) | Hyena (Hyena) |
I | i | i (ee) | Ippopotamo (Hippopotamus) |
L | l | elle (ehl-leh) | Leone (Lion) |
M | m | emme (ehm-meh) | Maiale (Pig) |
N | n | enne (ehn-neh) | Nido (Nest) |
O | o | o (o) | Orso (Bear) |
P | p | pi (pee) | Pappagallo (Parot) |
Q | q | cu (koo) | Quaglia (Quail) |
R | r | erre (ehr-reh) | Rana (Frog) |
S | s | esse (ehs-seh) | Squalo (Shark) |
T | t | ti (tee) | Topo (Mouse) |
U | u | u (oo) | Upupa (Hoopoe) |
V | v | vi (voo) | Vipera (Vipera) |
Z | z | zeta (tseh-tah) | Zanzara (Mosquito) |
The following letters are used to transcribe foreign words and are not part of the Italian alphabet.
Lettera maiuscola (Uppercase letter) | Lettera minuscola (Lowercase letter) | Nomi delle lettere (Name of the letter) | Esempio (Example) |
J | j | i lunga (Ee- loongah) | Jazz |
K | k | Cappa (kappa) | Kiwi |
W | w | Doppia vu (Doh-ppeeah voo) | Web |
X | x | ics (Eeks) | Xilofono (Xylophone) |
Y | y | ipsilon/ i greca (Eeps-loh-n) (Ee-greh-kah) | Yacht |