The letter S has two voices one is voiceless [s] and the other is voiced [z].
A). La suona sorda (the voiceless sound).
The letter s is pronounced [s] in the following cases:
1. When found at the beginning of a word followed by a vowel.
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Sole (Sun) | [sole] |
Sale (salt) | [sale] |
Silenzio (Silence) | [si’lɛntsjo] |
Semaforo (Stoplight) | [se’maforo] |
Sabato (Saturday) | [sabato] |
2. When preceded by a consonant.
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Orso (Bear) | [orso] |
Corso (Course) | [korso] |
Polso (Wrist) | [polso] |
Ascensore (Elevator) | [aʃʃen’sore] |
Comprensione (Comprehension) | [kompern’sjone] |
3. When it is followed by the following consonants (c – f – p – q – t).
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Scala (Stairs) | [skala] |
Sforzo (Effort) | [sfɔrtso] |
Sporco (Dirty) | [spɔrko] |
Squadra (Squad) | [skwadra] |
Stella (Stare) | [stella] |
4. When it is double
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Rosso (Red) | [rosso] |
Gesso (Chalk) | [ʤɛsso] |
Tassa (Fee) | [tassa] |
Assistenza (Assistance) | [assis’tɛntsa] |
Passo (Step) | [passo] |
B). La suona sonora (The voiced sound).
The letter s is pronounced [z] in the following cases:
1. When it is found between two vowels.
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Rosa (Rose) | [rɔza] |
Cosa (What/Thing) | [koza] |
Casale (Farmhouse) | [ka’sale] |
Chiesa (Church) | [kjɛza] |
Bisogno (Need) | [bi’zɔɲɲo] [bi’zoɲɲo] |
2. When it is followed by the following consonants: b – d – g – l- m – n – r – v.
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Sbagliato (Wrong) | [zbaʎ’ʎato] |
Sdoganare (Clear) | [zdoga’nare] |
Sgarbato (Rude) | [zgar’bato] |
Slanciato (Slim) | [zlan’tʃato] |
Smania (Longing) | [zmanja] |
Snello (Slender) | [znello] |
Sregolato (Unruly) | [zrego’lato] |
Sveglia (alarm clock) | [zveʎʎa] |
C) Il gruppo Sc (the group Sc)
The group Sc has two sounds a guttural sound (sk) and a palatal sound [ʃ].
1. The group Sc + (a – o – u – h) has a guttural sound (sk)
Sc + a | Sc + o | Sc + u | Sc + h + (i – e) |
scatola (box) scarpa (shoe) scale (stairs) scacco (chess) | scorpione (Scorpio) scorsa (last) sconosciuto (unknown) scoiattolo (squirrel) | scusa (Excuse me) scuola (school) scuro (dark) scultura (sculpture) | dischi (discs) schiena (back) scherzare (joke) schiaffo (slap) |
2. The group Sc + (e – i) is represented by the palatal sound [ʃ]
- scena (scene)
- scendere (go down)
- ascensore (elevator)
- pesce (fish)
- sciarpa (scarf)
- prosciutto (ham)
- lasciare (leave)
- piscina (swimming pool)