The letter Z has two voices one is voiced [dz] and the other is voiceless [ts].
A). La suona sonora (The voiced sound).
The letter z is pronounced as [dz]:
1). When it is followed by two vowels, the first of which is not an (i).
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Zoo (Zoo) | [dzɔo] |
Zaino (Backpack) | [dzajno] |
2). When it is found between two vowels.
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Ozono (Ozone) | [od’dzɔno] |
Azoto (Nitrogen) | [od’dzɔto] |
3). With verbs ending in (izzare) except [rizzare(raise)].
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Organizzare (To organize) | [organjd’dare] |
Armonizzare (To harmonize) | [armonid’dzare] |
Penalizzare (To penalize) | [penalid’dzare] |
Concretizzare (To concrete) | [konkretid’dare] |
Utilizzare (To use) | [utilid’dzare] |
B). La suona sorda (the voiceless sound).
The letter z is pronounced as [ts]:
1). When it is followed by the letter i
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Zio (Uncle) | [tsio] |
Pazzia (Madness) | [pat’tsia] |
Anziano (Elderly) | [an’tsjano] |
Grazia (Grace) | [grattsja] |
Divorzio (Divorce) | [di’vɔrtsjo] |
2). When it comes after the letter L. except [elzeviro, belzerbù]
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Alzare (To raise up) | [al’tsare] |
Calza (Stocking) | [kaltsa] |
Scalzo (Barefoot) | [skaltso] |
Calzolaio (Shoemaker) | [kaltso’lajo] |
Milza (Spleen) | [miltsa] |
3). With words ending in -zione
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Terminazione (Termination) | [terminat’tsjone] |
Lezione (Lesson) | [let’tsione] |
Nazione (Nation) | [nat’tsjone] |
Stazione (Station) | [stat’tsjone] |
Accezione (Acceptation) | [attʃet’tsjone] |
4). When it is doubled except [azzardo – azzuro – brezza]
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Pizza (Pizza) | [pittsa] |
Piazza (Square) | [pjattsa] |
Pazzo (Crazy) | [pattso] |
Struzzo (Ostrich) | [struttso] |
Carrozza (Carriage) | [kar’rɔttsa] |
Bellezza (Beauty) | [bel’lettsa] |
5). with words ending in [anza, enza]
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Assenza (Absence) | [as’sɛntsa] |
Senza (Senza) | [sɛntsa] [sentsa] |
Mancanza (Lack) | [man’kantsa] |
Pazienza (Patience) | [pat’tsjɛntsa] |
Violenza (Violence) | [vjo’lɛntsa] |
Stanza (Room) | [stantsa] |
6). with words ending in [orzo – orza – erza- erzo – arzo]
Esempio (Example) | Pronuncia (Pronounce) |
Sforzo (Effort) | [sfɔrtso] |
Forza (Force) | [fɔrtsa] |
Scorza (Zest) | [skɔrtsa] [skɔrtza] |
Terza (Third) | [tɛrtsa] |
Sterzo (Steering) | [stɛrtso] |
Marzo (March) | [martso] |