In Italian, some consonant letters have specific rules; here are some of the most common ones.
A). La lettera C (the letter C)
- The letter C + (a – o – u – h – consonant) is represented by the guttural sound [k]
C + a | C + o | C + u | C + h + (i – e) | C + consonant |
casa (home) camera(room) cameriere(waiter) cavallo (horse) cane(dog) canarino(canary) | coda (tail) corda (Rope) colore (color) contare (to count) consumo (consumption) coperchio (cover) | cuore (Heart) cugino (cousin) cultura (culture) cuoio (leather) cuoco (cook) cucina (Kitchen) | chiesa (church) chiedere (to ask) chimica (chemistry) macchina (machine/car) formiche (ants) amiche (friends) | cliente (customer) clima (climate) clinica (clinic) croce (cross) criminale (criminal) cristallo (crystal) |
- The letter C + (e – i) is represented by the palatal sound [tʃ]
C + e | C + i | C + i + (a – o – u) |
cena (dinner) cera (wax) anice (anise) certo (certain) certificato (certificate) cesto (basket) cerotto (bandaid) | città(city) cinema(cinema) cinque(five) ciliegia(cherry) cima(top) ciclista(cyclist) cipolla(onion) cintura(belt) | pancia (belly) faccia (face) camicia (Shirt) ciabatte (slippers) cioccolato (chocolate) riccio (curly) |
B). Le consonanti (P) e (B) [the consonants (P) and (B)]
The consonants (P) and (B) are always preceded by the letter (M)
- stampa (print)
- bomba (bomb)
- imparare (to learn)
- gamba (leg)
- campo (field)
- bambino (child)
- bambola (doll)
- tempio (temple)
- cambio (exchange)
- imprudente (imprudent)
- combattere (to fight)
C). La lettera (Q) [the letter (Q)]
The letter (q) is always followed by (u + vowel)
qua | que | qui | quo |
quadro (Square) quando (when) qualche (some) | queste (these) quello (that) questura (preccint) | quindi (Therefore) inquinamento (pollution) quindici (fifteen) | quota (quote) quotidiano (daily) aliquota (rate) |
D). La lettera (H) [the letter (H)]
The letter H has no sound and It is used:
- In the voices of the verb avere >> to have: ho – hai – ha – hanno.
- In several exclamations: oh! ah! ahi! ahimé! mah!
- To indicate the guttural sound of (c) and (g) in front of (i) and (e): architetto (architect) – ghiaccio (ice).