The imperative is used:
1. In independent sentences.
- Vieni qua!
- Come here!
2. In incidental expressions, with reinforcing value:
- Non posso farLe uno sconto ulteriore, mi creda, Le ho già ridotto notevolmente il prezzo!
- I can’t give you a further discount, believe me, I have already significantly reduced the price!
3. In advertising messages (especially the second person singular) as it is addressed to everyone and to each of us in particular:
- Se vuoi denti sani e bocca fresca, usa il dentifricio…
- If you want healthy teeth and a fresh mouth, use toothpaste…
- Bevi birra e camperai cent’anni!
- Drink beer and you’ll live to be a hundred years old!
- Mangiate sano, mangiate…
- Eat healthy, eat…
4. To instill courage, to give advice.
- Abbi più fiducia in te stesso!
- Have more confidence in yourself!
- Sforzatevi a trovare le parole giuste!
- Try to find the right words!
5. An “order” can be tempered by formal expressions of deference.
- Abbiate la bontà di aspettare!
- Have the goodness to wait!
- Vogliate perdonarmi il ritardo!
- Please forgive me for the delay!
- Fatemi la cortesia di ascoltare!
- Do me the courtesy of listening!
- Per favore, mi indichi la strada.
- Please show me the way.
- Scusami, fammi passare!
- Excuse me, let me pass!