The mood of the verb expresses the speaker’s attitude towards what he is saying or writing: through the mood one can express one’s point of view and present the action or fact expressed by the verb in different ways (a fact can be indicated certain or possible, express a wish, give an order, etc.).
The Italian language has seven different verb forms. Four finite moods and three indefinite moods:
Finite moods | Indefinite moods |
indicativo (indicative) congiuntivo (subjunctive) condizionale (conditional) imperativo (imperative) | infinito (infinite) participio (participle) gerundio (gerund) |
The finite moods are called this because they specify the tense, the person and the number: canteremo (we will sing) = indicative mood, simple future tense, 1st person plural.
The indefinite moods, however, do not give indications relating to the person and the number (cantare, cantando). The only exception is the participle, which distinguishes between singular and plural (cantante, cantanti).
It is the finite moods that show us how the speaker feels and perceives the action expressed by the verb:
1. The indicative
Indicative is the mood of certainty, of reality, of objectivity:
- Oggi è una bella giornata.
- Today is a beautiful day.
- È andata dal parrucchiere.
- She went to the hairdresser.
- Ho scritto un nuovo romanzo.
- I wrote a new novel.
2. The subjunctive
Subjunctive is the mood of possibilities, opinions, desires, and hopes:
- Credo che abbia ragione.
- I think he’s right.
- Vorrei che piovesse!
- I wish it would rain!
- Penso che non ne valga la pena.
- I think it’s not worth it.
3. The conditional
Conditional is the mood of actions that occur when a given condition occurs
- Verrei, se solo avessi la macchina.
- I would come, if only I had a car.
- Saremmo tutti più sani, se smettessimo di fumare.
- We would all be healthier if we stopped smoking.
4. The imperative
Imperative is the form of orders, or invitations:
- Va’ via!
- Go away!
- Fate largo!
- Get away!
- Prendi un altro aperitivo.
- Have another aperitif.