Generally the possessive precedes the noun. However, it is postponed in the following cases:
A) In vocative expressions.
- Amici miei, ascoltate!
- My friends, listen up!
- Vattene a spasso, Sebastiano mio!
- Go for a walk, my Sebastiano!
B) To underline a greater intensity of possession or emotional relationship.
- Pensa ai fatti tuoi!
- Mind your own business!
- Oggi sei ospite in casa mia.
- Today you are a guest in my house.
- A casa vostra c’è sempre ordine.
- There is always order in your home.
C) In some phrases.
- Per colpa mia.
- My fault.
- Per amor tuo.
- For your love.
- Per conto loro.
- On their own.
- A modo suo.
- On his own terms.
- Di testa sua, ecc.
- Of his own mind, etc.