Overabundant nouns have two plural forms, with different meanings and sometimes have the same meaning.
Some masculine nouns in -o have two plurals: a masculine plural in -i and a feminine plural in -a here are some examples:
Il Braccio (The Arm).
- Masculine plural: I Bracci (of the crane, of a chandelier, of a cross, of an armchair).
- Feminine plural: Le Braccia (of the human body).
Il Budello (The Gut).
- Masculine plural: I Budelli (narrow and winding streets).
- Feminine plural: Le Budella (intestines).
Il Calcagno (The Heel).
- Masculine plural: I Calcagni (of the feet)
- Feminine plural: Le Calcagna [in the expression (avere qualcuno alle calcagna)to have someone on your tail]
Il Cervello (The Brain).
- Masculine plural: I Cervelli (the minds).
- Feminine plural: Le Cervella (brain matter).
Il Ciglio (The Edge/Eyelash).
- Masculine plural: I Cigli (of a ditch, of a road).
- Feminine plural: Le Ciglia (of the eyes).
Il Corno (The Horn).
- Masculine plural: I Corni (musical instrument).
- Feminine plural: Le Corna (of animals).
Il Dito (The Finger).
- Masculine plural: I Diti (considered distinctly from each other, e.g. thumbs fingers).
- Feminine plural: Le Dita (considered as a whole).
Il Filo (The Thread).
- Masculine plural: I Fili (of the grass, of the light).
- Feminine plural: Le Fila (of the plot, of a conspiracy).
Il Fondamento (The Foundation).
- Masculine plural: I Fondamenti (of a science).
- Feminine plural: Le Fondamenta (of a building).
Il Fuso (The Spindle).
- Masculine plural: I Fusi [Spools for spinning; in a geographical sense: I fusi orari (time zones)].
- Feminine plural: Le Fusa [(in sentences like: (il gatto fa le fuse) the cat purrs].
Il Gesto (The Gesture).
- Masculine plural: I Gesti (movements).
- Feminine plural: Le Gesta (businesses).
Il Ginocchio (The knee).
- Masculine plural: I Ginocchi (of the human body).
- Feminine plural: Le Ginochia (Same meaning).
Il Grido/ L’Urlo/ Lo Strido (The Scream).
- Masculine plural: I Gridi/ Gli Urli/ Gli Stridi (Of animals).
- Feminine plural: Le Grida / Le Urla/ Le Strida (Of man).
Il Labbro (The Lip).
- Masculine plural: I Labbri (of a wound, of a vase).
- Feminine plural: Le Labbra (of the mouth).
Il Lenzuolo (The Sheet).
- Masculine plural: I Lenzuoli (taken one by one and in a general sense).
- Feminine plural: Le Lenzuola (considered in pairs, i.e. those of the bed).
Il Membro (The Member).
- Masculine plural: I Membri (of the family, of an association).
- Feminine plural: Le Membra (of the human body, as a whole).
Il Muro (The Wall).
- Masculine plural: I Muri (of a house).
- Feminine plural: Le Mura (of a city).
L’Osso (The Bone).
- Masculine plural: Gli Ossi (of animals).
- Feminine plural: Le Ossa (of man or the skeleton as a whole).
L’Orecchio (The Ear).
- Masculine plural: Gli Orecchi (of the human body).
- Feminine plural: Le Ginochie (Same meaning).
Il Sopracciglio (the eyebrow).
- Masculine plural: I Sopraccigli (of the head).
- Feminine plural: Le Sopracciglia (Same meaning).
Il Frutto/ La Frutta (The Fruit).
Il Frutto is the product of the earth, what plants can produce.
Mangia questo frutto, è una banana(Eat this fruit, it’s a banana
Even in a figurative sense: frutto delle nostre fatiche(fruit of our labors).
Masculine plural: I Frutti.
La Frutta is the set of edible fruits of various plants.
Mangia la frutta, perché ti fa bene (Eat fruit, because it’s good for you).
Feminine Plural: Le Frutta (literary only).