The conditional can be found in both independent and dependent clauses. The simple conditional in independent clauses expresses the following functions:
1. Action conditioned by an expressed or implied hypothesis (indicated by “se”), action possible in the present or future:
- Mi piacerebbe essere come gli altri (se potessi).
- I would like to be like others (if I could).
- Farei di tutto per aiutarti (se avessi soldi).
- I would do anything to help you (if I had money).
2. Desire, benevolent reproach.
- Quanto desidererebbero ritornare a Napoli!
- How they would like to return to Naples!
- Un giorno rimpiangereste di certo questa occasione perduta.
- One day you will certainly regret this missed opportunity.
- Dovresti studiare di più!
- You should study more!
- Dovreste tornare prima la sera!
- You should come back earlier in the evening!
3. Uncertainty, doubt.
- Che cosa potremmo fare?
- What could we do?
- Mia madre potrebbe cambiare di carattere?
- Could my mother change her character?
- Leo sarebbe in grado di abbandonare il suo egoismo?
- Would Leo be able to abandon his selfishness?
4. Polite request, question, prayer.
- Verresti (invece di “vieni”) al cinema con me?
- Would you come (instead of “come”) to the cinema with me?
- Vorrei (invece di “voglio”) un caffè freddo!
- I would like (instead of “want”) an iced coffee!
- Mi presterebbe la sua penna, per favore?
- Would you lend me your pen, please?
- Mi dareste una mano a spostare la macchina?
- Could you help me move the car?
- Mi passerebbe l’acqua, per favore?
- Could you pass me the water, please?
- Ci dareste un passaggio fino alla stazione?
- Would you give us a lift to the station?
5. Idea of eventuality, possibility, probability.
- Forse in un’altra città la vita mi sarebbe più facile.
- Maybe life would be easier for me in another city.
- A letto riposeremmo meglio.
- We would rest better in bed.
6. Unconfirmed news, for “hearsay”, most commonly used in journalistic style.
[with the meaning of: si dice (it is said)/sembra che (seems that) + present subjunctive].
- Il sindacato potrebbe (sembra che possa) firmare l’accordo con il ministro già oggi.
- The union could (it seems like it could) sign the agreement with the minister today.
- L’arresto dell’assassino, secondo la polizia, sarebbe imminente.
- The arrest of the murderer, according to the police, is imminent.
- I giudici rifiuterebbero qualsiasi clemenza.
- The judges would refuse any leniency.