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Il gerundio passato / the past gerund.

The compound (or past) gerund indicates the precedence of one action over another, whether in the present, past, or future tense.

  • Ho capito l’uso del gerundio avendo seguito la lezione del professore.
  • I understood the use of the gerund having followed the professor’s lesson.
  • Capisco l’uso del gerundio avendo seguito la lezione del professore.
  • I understand the use of the gerund having followed the professor’s lesson.
  • Capirò l’uso del gerundio avendo seguito la lezione del professore.
  • I will understand the use of the gerund having followed the professor’s lesson.

1. The form of the compound (or past) gerund.

The compound (or past) gerund is formed by the auxiliary verbs essere or avere in the presend gerund + the past participle of the verb.

[Essere / avere in the present gerund + P.P]

VerbCompound (or past) gerund
Parlare (to speak)
(to read)
(to leave)
Avendo parlato (having spoken)
Avendo letto
(having read)
Essendo partito/a/i/e
(having left)
  • Essendo stato bocciato, ha dovuto ripetere l’esame.
  • Having failed, he had to retake the exam.
  • Avendo camminato per un’intera giornata, era sfinito.
  • Having walked for a whole day, he was exhausted.
  • Avendo già speso tutti i tuoi soldi, non potrai far fronte ad altri impegni.
  • Having already spent all your money, you will not be able to meet other commitments.
  • Avendo perso tempo, non riusci a prendere il treno.
  • Having wasted time, he was unable to catch the train.

When we use the past gerund, remember that the subject of the two sentences is the same!

  • Essendo (lui) arrivato in ritardo, (lui) ha perso il treno.
  • (he) Having arrived late, (he) missed the train.

If we want to use different subjects, for example, we want to say that he arrived late and we missed the train, we must express the subject clearly and forcefully.

  • Essendo lui arrivato in ritardo, tutti noi abbiamo perso il treno.
  • Since he arrived late, we all missed the train.