You can also have the impersonal form with:
1. The indefinite subject Uno + verb in the 3rd person singular.
- Quando uno non sa che dire, è meglio che stia zitto.
- When someone doesn’t know what to say, it’s better to keep quiet.
- Se uno quest’esperienza non l’ha fatta, non può capirla.
- If one has not had this experience, one cannot understand it.
2. The impersonal SI + verb (intransitive or used intransitively) in the 3rd person singular.
- In questo ristorante si mangia bene e si spende poco.
- In this restaurant you eat well and spend little.
- In treno si viaggia più comodamente che in auto.
- Traveling by train is more comfortable than by car.
3. The allocutive pronoun TU (2nd person singular).
Widely used in advertising language, warnings, advice, etc.
- Mangia questo, se vuoi essere in forma!
- Eat this if you want to be fit!
- Abbiti cura!
- Take care!
- Non sai quel che fai!
- You don’t know what you’re doing!
- Per andare a Roma, prendi il treno e sei lì in due ore.
- To go to Rome, take the train and be there in two hours.
4. The pronoun voi (second person plural).
Which is like an extension of the “tu“, used in advertising language, in advice, etc.
- Se applicherete il cerotto “Salus” sulla schiena, scompariranno le allergie.
- If you apply the “Salus” patch on your back, allergies will disappear.
- Bevete pure alcolici, se volete rovinarvi il fegato!
- Drink alcohol if you want to ruin your liver!
5. The pronoun Noi (1st person plural).
With which we address a community of which we are part (all of us).
- Quante volte ci comportiamo da vigliacchi!
- How often do we behave like cowards!
- Spesso non siamo capaci di affrontare le piccole contrarietà.
- We are often unable to deal with small setbacks.
6. The pronoun Loro (3rd person plural), in particular with “Dire” verbs.
- Raccomandano di fare silenzio.
- They recommend silence.
- Hanno diffuso la notizia che presto ci sarà una crisi politica.
- They spread the news that there will soon be a political crisis.
- Dicono che molti saranno licenziati.
- They say many will be fired.