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La forma passiva con il verbo Essere/ The passive form with the verb to be.

To form the passive voice of the verb we can use the verb (to be) Essere, (to come) Venire, (to go) Andare, or the passivating “Si“.

1. The passive form with the verb Essere.

The passive form is obtained with the auxiliary Essere (in any mood and time) followed by the past participle of the verb and agrees in gender and number with the subject:

  • I tavoli sono stati apparecchiati dal cameriere.
  • The tables were set by the waiter.
  • Il libro era letto da molti.
  • The book was read by many.

Essere In the transition from the active to the passive form you have the possibility of not mentioning the subject of the action, i.e. the agent of the passive verb. In this case the central element of the sentence is no longer the subject, but the verb, and it gives the idea of “impersonality“.

  • È stato rotto il lampadario.
  • The chandelier was broken.
  • Fu detto anche questo di te (non si sa da chi).
  • This was also said about you (no one knows by whom).
  • Il ladro è stato arrestato.
  • The thief was arrested.
  • La notizia è stata resa pubblica.
  • The news was made public.
  • Questo commento è stato fatto fin troppe volte.
  • This comment has been made far too many times.
  • La cena è stata servita in modo ineccepibile.
  • Dinner was served impeccably.
  • Sarà finita la traduzione?
  • Will the translation be finished?
  • Fossero state spedite le lettere per domani!
  • If only the letters had been sent for tomorrow!