The definite article tells us that we are talking about a specific, known person or thing:
- Il gatto (the cat).
- La penna (the pen).
- Gli astronauti (the astronauts).
- Le bambine (the baby girls).
The form of the definite article.
Singolare (Singular) | Plural (Plural) | |
Maschile (Masculine) | Il L‘ Lo | I Gli Gli |
Feminine (Feminine) | La L’ | Le |
Uses of the forms of the definite articles.
1. IL/LA
- The form (IL) and (LA) are used before nouns that begin with a consonant.
- The plural of (IL) is (I) and of (LA) is (LE).
Singular | Plural | |||
M. | IL | bambino giornale libro mese problema treno | I | bambini giornali libri mesi problemi treni |
F. | La | bambina donna ragazza penna casa macchina | LE | bambine donne ragazze penne case macchine |
The definite article La is used before words that start with the (i) semi-consonant (la iena) or with foreign nouns starting with h or w (la hall, la holding, la webcam, la west coast).
The definite article IL is used with names of foreign origin starting with w (il whisky, il windsurf, il weekend).
2. Lo
- The form (LO) is used before masculine nouns that begin with a (s+ consonant; z; gn; ps; x; pn).
- The plural of (LO) si (GLI).
Singular | Plural | |||
M. | LO | studente scherzo zio zaino gnocco psicologo xilofono xenofobo pneumologo | Gli | studenti scherzi zii zaini gnocchi psicologi xilofoni xenofobi pneumologi |
The definite article Lo is used with names of foreign origin starting with y (lo yoga, lo yacht).
3. L’
- The form (L’) is used before nouns that begin with a vowel.
- The plural of masculine (L’) is (GLI) and of feminine (L‘) is (LE).
Singular | Plural | |||
M. | L’ | amico esercizio indirizzo ospedale ufficio | GLI | amici esercizi indirizzi ospedali uffici |
F. | L’ | amica esperienza idea università uscita | LE | amiche aule esperienze idee università uscite |
The article (L’) masculine is used with names of foreign origin starting with h:
- l’hotel.
- l’hamburger.
- l’hobby.
- Lo humour.
The article L’ is never used before nouns that begin with the semiconsonant i- (ia-, ie-, io-, iu-).
- Lo iato.
- Lo iettatore.
- Lo ione.
- Lo iutificio.