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L’imperfetto indicativo / The imperfect indicative.

The imperfect expresses an action, a fact, or a way of being placed in the past and described in their duration, in their repetition, or in their development:

  • Quando ero piccola andavamo spesso a trovare i nonni in campagna.
  • When I was little we often went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.
  • Mentre passeggiavo ho incontrato Antonio.
  • While I was walking I met Antonio.

Here are some common expressions that indicate the imperfect tense.

  • Da giovane/ piccolo / bambino …lavoravo / giocavo…ecc.
  • As a young / small / child … I worked / played …etc.
  • Prima…poi.
  • First…then.
  • Quando ero piccolo/ giovane/ bambino.
  • When I was little/young/child.
  • Mentre giocavo / parlavo/ studiavo …ecc.
  • While I was playing/talking/studying…etc.

1. The form of the imperfect tense.

The imperfect tense is formed by replacing the infinitive ending of each verb group (-are/-ere/-ire) with the following endings:


2. Uses of the imperfect tense.

  1. In narratives: the imperfect is the verb of the narrative because it serves to describe characters and places. All fairy tales begin with the imperfect tense:
    • C’era una volta una principessa che viveva in uno splendido castello e sognava di incontrare il Principe Azzurro.
    • Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a splendid castle and dreamed of meeting Prince Charming.
  2. In descriptions:
    • Agata era una donna speciale: portava i capelli corvini tagliati alla francese e aveva due occhi scuri che brillavano di gioia.
    • Agata was a special woman: she wore her raven hair cropped in French style and she had two dark eyes that shone with joy.
  3. Durable actions: action presented as it unfolds, where neither the beginning nor the end is defined.
    • Nel ‘78 abitavamo ancora a Palermo.
    • In ’78 we still lived in Palermo.
    • Alle 10,30 studiavo ancora.
    • At 10.30 I was still studying.
      • An action that lasts over time (started before the other and will probably continue after)
    • Facevo/stavo facendo colazione.
    • I was having breakfast.
    • Ero a letto e leggevo.
    • I was in bed and reading.
    • Stavo inziando a studiare.
    • I was starting to study.
  4. Prolonged actions in succession or parallel (narrative-news).
    • Lo sorprendeva mentre si cambiava d’abito.
    • She surprised him while he was changing his clothes.
    • Il centrammi passava la palla alla punta di sinistra citala metteva in rete.
    • The center forward passed the ball to the left striker and put it into the net.
  5. To express an action that is habitually repeated in the past:
    • Quando ero piccola andavo a sciare tutti gli inverni.
    • When I was little I went skiing every winter.
    • Da bambina andavo a sciare tutte le domeniche.
    • As a child I went skiing every Sunday.
    • Mario, da giovane, dedicava alla lettura ogni momento libero che aveva disposizione.
    • Mario, as a young man, dedicated every free moment he had to read.

The habitual imperfect is often accompanied by expressions and adverbs of frequency: spesso (often), di solito (usually), ogni giorno/mese/anno (every day/month/year), tutti i giorni/tutte le settimane (every day/every week), etc.

Contexts in which the imperfect tense can commonly be used:

  1. When the conversation resumes:
    • Allora, come stavo dicendo, alle otto ho preso l’aereo.
    • So, as I was saying, I got on the plane at eight.
    • Scusa, che dicevi?
    • Sorry, what were you saying?
  2. When you want to express a request with kindness, with modesty:
    • Scusa, volevo chiederti se puoi prestarmi il tuo libro per un paio di giorni.
    • Sorry, I wanted to ask if you could lend me your book for a couple of days.
    • Al bar: Volevo un caffè e un cornetto.
    • At the bar: I wanted a coffee and a croissant.