The position of atonic pronouns can come before or after the verb.
1. Before the verb (and detached from the verb) if the verb is in the indicative, subjunctive, or conditional.
indicative | Gli dico | I tell him |
subjunctive | Gli dicessi | I told him |
conditional | Gli direi | I would tell him |
2. After the verb (and joined to the verb) if the verb is in:
A). The infinitive (which loses the final vowel).
- Sono qui per dirti che mi dispiace.
- (I’m here to tell you I’m sorry).
- Cerca di non contrariarla.
- (Try not to cross her).
When the infinitive verb is preceded by a modal verb [potere (can), volere (will), dovere (have), etc.], the pronoun can precede the modal verb or follow the infinitive.
- Non ti posso dire / non posso dirti quello che penso di te.
- (I can’t tell you what I think of you).
- Perché non mi volevi dire / non volevi dirmi la verità?
- (Why didn’t you want to tell me the truth?).
B). The gerand.
- Parlandogli con un po’ di colmo, capiresti meglio il suo stato d’animo.
- (By talking to him with a little depth, you would understand his state of mind better).
- Vedendovi in difficoltà, vi offro il mio aiuto.
- (Seeing you in difficulty, I offer you my help).
- Avendone già parlato, non intendo tornarci su.
- (Having already talked about it, I don’t intend to go back to it).
C). The past participle.
- Incontratolo per la strada, nemmeno lo ha salutato.
- (Meeting him on the street, he didn’t even say hello).
- Vistene tante, alla fine gliene è piaciuto una.
- (Having seen so many, ha finally liked one).
D). The imperative.
– The affirmative type
- Fatemi il favore di ascoltare bene.
- (Do me a favor and listen carefully).
- Raccontale quello che sai.
- (Tell her what you know).
– The negative type
With the second person the pronoun can also precede the verb, as there is the infinitive.
- Non gli dire/dirgli niente.
- (Don’t say/tell him anything).
-in the monosyllabic and truncated forms such as: [di'(say), fa'(do), da'(give), sta'(stay), va'(go)], the initial consonants of the pronouns are doubled (except with gli).
- Dammi una sigaretta.
- (Give me a cigarette).
- Vacci subito, altrimenti trovi chiuso.
- (Go there now, otherwise, you’ll find it closed).
- Dillo a chi ti pare.
- (Tell whoever you want).
- Fatti dire chi è.
- (Let me tell you who it is).
- Dagli il tuo.
- (Give him yours).
E). With the adverb ‘ecco‘.
- Eccoci, siamo arrivati.
- (Here we are, we have arrived).
- Volevi qualche informazione? Eccone alcune.
- (Did you want some information? Here are some).
F) in classified ads and advertisements and, for brevity, in telegraphic form.
- Cecasi coppia disponibile servizio domestic.
- (Looking for a couple available for domestic service).
- Affittasi appartamento.
- (Apartment for rent).
- Vendonsi appartamenti ben rifiniti.
- (Well-finished apartments for sale).
- Aspettiamoti arrivo aereo.
- (We are waiting for your plane arrival).