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Tipi di verbi / Types of verbs.

Verbs are divided into predicative and copulative.

1. Predicatives make complete sense and can also be used alone.

  • Nevica (it snows).
  • Il sole splende (the sun shines).

Example of predicatives verbs: piovere (to rain), cadere (to fall), viaggiare (to travel) , piangere (to cry) , abitare (to inhabit) ,amare (to love)..

2. Copulatives “act as a bridge” between the subject and a noun or an adjective, with a similar function to that of the verb essere (to be):

  • Emma è diventata una donna (Emma became a woman).
  • La tua vita mia sembra noiosa (your life seems boring).

Copulative verbs are: sembrare (to seem), diventare (become), riuscire (to succeed), risulatare (to result), stare (stay), rimanere (to remain), apparire (to appear), nascere (to be born), vivere (to live), morire (to die) etc.

2. Verbi transitivi e intransitivi / Transitive and intransitive verbs.

Transitive verbs are those verbs that can have a direct object:

  • Paolo ama Laura (Paolo loves Laura)
  • I bambini canteranno una canzone (the children will sing a song)
  • Oggi mangiamo un panino (today we are eating a sandwich).

Intransitive verbs are those verbs that cannot have a direct object:

  • Il sole tramonta (the sun sets)
  • La mamma dorme (the mother is sleeping)
  • Il gatto scappò (the cat ran away).

Transitive verbs are not always followed by an object complement. In fact, we can say: Emma scrive una lettera (Emma writes a letter) or Emma scrive (Emma writes). In the second sentence (Emma writes) the verb continues to be transitive, even if the direct object is not expressed. In this case we say that the transitive verb is used in an absolute form (forma assoluta).

Some intransitive verbs can become transitive when they are followed by the internal object complement (complemento oggetto interno), that is, a noun that has the same root as the verb or a very similar meaning: vivere una vita avventurosa (live an adventurous life); morire una morte certa (die a certain death); piangere lacrime amare (cry bitter tears); dormire sonni agitati (sleep restless).

Some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive, depending on the context:

Voglio cambiare la penna
I want to change the pen
Abbiamo finito le scorte

We have run out of supplies
Passami il latte!

Pass me the milk!
Il tempo oggi è cambiato
The weather has changed today
Domani le vacanze finiscono

Tomorrow the holidays end
Il tempo passa in fretta

Time passes quickly