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Usi dei pronomi personali soggetti/ Uses of subject personal pronouns.

The presence of the subject pronoun becomes mandatory in these cases:

A) When the ending of the verb can apply to several people (in the subjunctive mood).

  • Desideri che io (tu/lui/lei) ci cada?
  • (Do you want me (you/he/she) to fall for it?)
  • Pensare che io (tu) fossi arrabbiato con lui.
  • (To think that I (you) was angry with him).

B). With indefinite moods (gerund, participle, infinitive).

  • Arrivato lui, la festa cominciò subito.
  • (Once he arrived, the party began immediately).
  • Tu dire queste cose! non ti vergogni?
  • (You say these things! Are not you ashamed?)
  • Noi pensare questo di te!
  • (We think this of you!)

C). When the pronoun follows the verb or is particularly highlighted.

  • Sei stato tu a decidere la data, non sono stato io.
  • (You decided the date, it wasn’t me).
  • Lui sì, che ha capito!
  • (Yes, he understood!)

D). When the verb is not expressed, but implied.

  • Chi è stato? – Lui, non io!
  • (Who did it? – Him, not me!)
  • Contento tu. contenti tutti!
  • (Happy you. everyone is happy!)

E). When the pronoun is accompanied by:

anche (also), pure (as well), nemmeno (neither), neanche (nor), neppure (not even), stesso (same), magari (maybe), addirittura (even), almeno (at least), non meno (not less), etc.

  • “Se ti inviterà vermi pure tu?” “Si, tent anch’io”
  • (“If he invites you worms too?” “Yes, I’ll try too”)
  • “È lui stesso che insiste perché veniate anche voi“.
  • (“He himself is insisting that you come too”).

F). When the subject pronouns are in opposition or comparison with each other.

  • lo preferisco il mare, lei la montagna.
  • (I prefer the sea, she prefers the mountains).
  • Lui è arrivato stanco e trasandato, lei fresca e riposata.
  • (He arrived tired and unkempt, she arrived fresh and rested).

G). When there are multiple actions with different subjects.

  • Tu andrai manti, noi seguiremo distanza e lui ci aspeneni alla stazione.
  • (You will go to Manti, we will follow the distance and he will drop us off at the station).