Other than “mio, tuo, suo, vostro, nostro, loro” there are other possessive adjectives such as:
Masculine singular | Feminine singular | Masculine plural | Feminine plural |
proprio Stesso l’altrui | propria stessa l’altrui | propri stessi gli altrui | proprie stesse le altrui |
The adjective Proprio is used to avoid ambiguity:
- Marco ha incontrato Andrea che gli ha detto di contare soltanto sulle proprie.
- Marco met Andrea who told him to rely only on his own.
The adjective Proprio is usually used with impersonal constructions and mostly with an indefinite subject.
- Bisogna rispettare la propria famiglia.
- You have to respect your family.
- Si deve ragionare con la propria testa.
- You have to think with your own head.
- Ognuno faccia il proprio dovere.
- Everyone does their duty.
Proprio has a reinforcing value together with mio, tuo, suo, etc., and is found as an alternative to stesso/medesimo (the latter less used).
- L’ho visto con i miei propri occhi.
- I saw it with my own eyes.
- L’ha fatto con le sue proprie mani.
- L’ha fatto con le sue proprie mani.
- L’ha fatto a rischio della sua stessa/propria vita.
- He did it at the risk of his own life.
- Ho agito contro il mio stesso interesse.
- I acted against my own interest.
In reference to the subject proprio is found, as an alternative to suo, sua, sui, sue.
- L’ha riparato a proprie / sue spese.
- He repaired it at his own expense.
- Non è riuscito ad esprimere la propria /sua opinione.
- He was unable to express his opinion.
- Mario lo faceva per il proprio/suo interesse.
- Mario did it for his own interest.
- Era in pensiero per i suoi /propri cari.
- He was worried about his loved ones.
The adjective ALTRUI, invariable, (It is the article preceding the adjective –altrui– that varies, depending on the noun. ) indicates an indefinite possessor or one different from the speaker, and means: di of/ degli altri of others. It is normally placed after the name.
- Ascoltate talvolta anche le ragioni altrui.
- Sometimes also listen to other people’s reasons
- Non impicciarsi degli affari altrui.
- Don’t meddle in other people’s affairs
- L’altrui fortuna non deve destare invidia.
- Other people’s luck must not arouse envy.
- Le altrui glorie lo rattristavano.
- Other people’s glories saddened him.