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I pronomi indefiniti 1 / Indefinite pronouns 1.

Indefinite pronouns include a large number of forms, different from each other in meaning and use, but all united by a main characteristic, that of indicating in a generic and indeterminate way the people, things, and quantities to which they refer:

  • Ho incontrato uno che ti conosce.
  • I met someone who knows you.
  • Ognuno deve fare il proprio dovere.
  • Everyone must do their duty.
  • Chiunque abbia buon senso lo capirebbe.
  • Anyone with common sense would understand this.
  • Bisogna avere amici, almeno qualcuno.
  • You have to have friends, at least some.
OgnunoEvery one

1. UNO/A

Indicates an impersonal subject, of unidentified identity (it can also have the feminine “una”).

  • C’è uno di là che ti cerca.
  • There’s someone over there looking for you.
  • A scuola ho conosciuto una che ti somiglia.
  • At school I met someone who looks like you.

[l’uno/l’una in correlation with l’altro/l’altra]. [gli uni/le une in correlation with gli altri/le altre]. The phrases [l’un l’altro] [l’uno con l’altro] have a meaning of reciprocity.

  • L’uno teneva la lampada, l’altro cercava i funghi tra le foglie.
  • One held the lamp, the other looked for mushrooms among the leaves.
  • Gli uni mi correvano avanti, gli altri mi seguivano urlando.
  • Some ran ahead of me, others followed me screaming.
  • Si aiutavano molto l’un con l’altro / l’un l’altro.
  • They helped each other a lot.
  • Si dicevano l’un l’altra cose gentili.
  • They said kind things to each other.


Indicates a small number of people or things. Corresponds to the adjective “some”.

  • Qualcuno riuscirà sicuramente a trovarlo.
  • Someone will surely find it.
  • Qualcuna di voi vuoi prendere il suo posto?
  • Do any of you want to take his place?

It can also indicate a single person.

  • C’è qualcuno che ha preso la mia borsa?
  • Is there someone who took my bag?

Also in other verbal phrases such as:

  • Quali credersi qualcuno, diventare qualcuno.
  • Such as believing yourself to be someone, becoming someone.

Quncuno always comes in front of altro (something else): qualcun altro faccia (someone else does it), and it elides in front of altra (something else):Qualcun’altra lo faccia (someone else does it).


Corresponds to the adjective ogni (every) and the adjective-pronoun ciascuno (each). It’s only singular.

  • Carlo ha scritto ad ognuna di voi.
  • Carlo wrote to each of you.
  • Ognuno risponda quando è interrogato.
  • Ognuno risponda quando è interrogato.
  • Ognuno era in grado di dare la risposta giusta.
  • Everyone was able to give the right answer.


Masculine and feminine singular, invariable, with the meaning of ogni, qualunque, qualsiasi persona (every, any person).

  • Chiunque alzi la mano, sarà ascoltato.
  • Anyone who raises their hand will be heard.
  • Mi rivolgerò a chiunque dimostrerà di volermi aiutare.
  • I will contact anyone who shows they want to help me.
  • Ero così bravo da poter superare chiunque.
  • I was so good that I could surpass anyone.